DCepticon - Don't Be That Guy!

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Monday, November 22, 2004

Moral Outrage and Otherwise

Well I have given myself a three weeks and now it is time to express my disgust.

1. Choosing a president should not be based on fear of any sexual act. Bibically prohibited or not.

2. If those pro-lifers are so concerned about babies, maybe they should be concerened with the thousands of children dead or dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. This would also extend to their own children that they seem only too willing to ship off to die in the Middle East at an ever escallating rate. Good job, protecting life as well by electing the guy under whom abortions have escallated because Americans can't afford to feed the kids they got.

3. Where have all the liberals really gone? Are you curled up in small balls under your cover waiting to do something. Well stop it and get out there and be as loud and obnoxious as I know you are. Moderates will be the ruin of the Democrats and democracy. No one ever got stirred up by a promise to keep things the way they are, except the brain dead and those living in the middle of this mess called America.

4. Tom Delay must be put into jail and soon. You can even take Carl Rove with him and they can bunk together. Martha Stewart and Tom Delay walks free, that is the definition of the new America folks.

For now I will continue to espouse my pinko, liberal, pre-Clinton liberalism to everyone and all the time. Hope you all do the same.


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